Bite Adjustment - Waterford, CT

Resolve Jaw Pain and Teeth Grinding

dental patient with jaw pain

How a “Bad” Bite Affects Your Smile

Have you been experiencing the following symptoms? Jaw pain, sore facial muscles, teeth grinding and clenching, worn or broken teeth, difficulty eating, mouth breathing, headaches. These are all common consequences of malocclusion, or a “bad” bite. This condition can develop as a result of misaligned teeth and facial asymmetry or be the result of a dental crown or cavity filling that has unbalanced your smile. Your teeth are designed to fit together like gears and work in harmony with each other for comfortable biting and chewing. If your top and bottom teeth don’t come together properly (malocclusion), some teeth will touch before others and result in improper distribution of force and pressure.

This unbalance in your bite will lead to numerous short- and long-term consequences that affect your dental function and overall comfort. A customized bit adjustment in Waterford, CT can effectively treat your symptoms and provide a permanent improvement in your oral function. This procedure requires a wealth of knowledge in dental occlusion and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) function to provide beneficial results. With extensive training and experience in occlusal adjustments, our team is qualified to treat your symptoms and help you find long-term comfort and health with this targeted treatment.

dentist performing bit adjustment procedure

Treatment to Restore Comfort and Function

Benefiting from a Bite Adjustment

When your teeth come together properly once again, you’ll experience improvements in your function and comfort. To help ensure these adjustments last long-term, we may recommend a nightguard, which protects your teeth from any future grinding and clenching. In general, your bite adjustment will produce the following benefits:

dental patient smiling after procedure

Don’t let a bad bite affect your life.

Schedule your evaluation with our team today.

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